Who is Your P1 Listener?


Who is your listener? At Finney Media, we’ve just completed our third Why Listen® Survey, a nationwide perceptual study of Christian radio listeners across the United States. Almost 11,000 Christian radio listeners were surveyed from the databases of Christian radio stations and programs from three formats:  Christian Teaching/Spoken Word, Christian Hybrid (Teaching & Music Stations) and CCM Stations.  

Because these are listeners invited to participate from those radio stations and programs, these listeners are likely to be the most interested, most aware, highest affinity listeners to these stations – not your average listeners – but likely superfans. 

And it’s important to dive not only into the data, but also into the demographics of who participated. This is not necessarily a mirror of who is listening, but an important reflection of who is likely the most engaged, who is likely to donate and who will give us their opinion. 

Here’s some of what we saw: 

Finney Media Why Listen® Key Finding: Don’t assume your listener is married. According to our research, almost one of three don’t have a married partner in the home. 

Finney Media Why Listen® Key Finding: It appears our formats are a lot more for personal spiritual growth and encouragement today. And, not so much for parents with kids in the backseat. 

Be sure to watch our webinar “Your P1 Listener: What the 2021 Why Listen® Survey Tells us” for additional information. Contact me at chuck@finneymedia.com or find more WHY LISTEN® resources. 


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