Tim Davis Passing


Our hearts are heavy, mourning the passing of our friend and colleague Tim Davis. Tim went to be with the Lord, after a short illness, on Saturday April 8. Tim has been a part of the Finney Media team for almost three years  as our expert on Research and Digital Strategy. Please pray for his wife Kathy and their family during this difficult time.

Tim’s Celebration of Life service took place Tuesday, April 18th at St. Trinity Presbyterian Church, 5871 Virginia Parkway, McKinney, TX.

An education fund for Tim and Kathy’s children, Xander and Alyssa, is  set up.  Contribute to the the college fund at this link:  www.ugift529.com

To support Xander, whose legal name will appear as Robert, enter code J2Z-J3V.  To support Alyssa, enter N3P-C07.

Condolences can be sent to the family at: 3008 Candide, McKinney, TX  75070

“The family thanks each and every one who has reached out in love and support during this very difficult time.”


See Tim’s bio here.

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