The One Thing You Can Do for your Listener during Trying Times


Profiling the story of your listener among your team has always been a good idea. But, maybe no more important than right now.

Allow me to explain.

Putting together a profile of your listener, with a name, pictures, with more than just age, occupation, description of her family, and what kind of car she drives, has always been a good idea.

Now, add to it details of her story today – her joys, her pain, her beliefs, her challenges, her wounds, her friends, her lack of time . . . and sleep . . . and help.

Total in the fundamental life changes that we’re just now walking into as we come out of lockdown combined with our high-stress times and you’re dealing with a whole new normal.

Giving your team a thorough understanding of who she is will help them better meet her where she is.

Which means now is the time to re-do your listener profile! Or, if you’ve never done one, now is the time!

We at Finney Media can help. In one, half-day intensive session, Chuck will help you and your team put together your post-lockdown radio market Listener Profile customized for your radio ministry. Complete with a written, confidential follow-up report to distribute among your team.

For more information on this unique and limited time offer, visit our TARGET LISTENER OFFER page.

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