Why Talent Coaching Matters


A Guest Blog by Beth Bacall, Sr. Talent Coach

Every moment matters. Being responsible for what comes out of the speakers and into the hearts of our listeners is the blessing, and our product. It’s a calling, a job, a privilege. 

In preparation for a workshop, I polled 116 air-talent from all formats asking three questions: 

  1. What do you want your program director to know?
  2. What do you appreciate about your program director?
  3. How often do you air-check or listen to audio from your show?

Here were my key takeaways: 

  • A majority of the responders sought positive and consistent feedback, stating they mostly hear about mistakes.  
  • A total of 93% of those polled, which includes veteran personalities, newbies, voice trackers, and syndicated hosts, answered they rarely listen to their audio,  they rarely listen to their product.  

*Beth continues this conversation with talent coach Gary Morland at the video below.

Why Talent Coaching Matters

Doctors regularly re-evaluate and update their practices, just as we would want them to. Hairstylists take state board testing and stay up-to-date with new trends and techniques. IT security professionals are consistently learning and forming thought-based protective procedures. Staying up-to-date and aware of your work is important in all professions, and ours is no exception. 

Talented people need reinforcement. Talent coaching matters. In response, talent coaches offer necessary one-on-one time to keep talent sharp, and focused. Like athletes, media personalities need to know how they are being heard and seen. They need to flex muscles and rock some exercises that will continue to grow their message, brand, and sound. Coaches accomplish this through inspiration, examples, cheerleading, and a safe place to work through something that’s not working.

Equipping talent, growing their craft, and refreshing the mission of the station is vital to compelling, passionate, and successful radio shows. People need people! Radio can be a lonely medium to work, especially when you are trying to communicate to a multi-faced audience. Taking time to listen to audio with a trusted individual is so helpful in identifying strengths and areas to expand, instead of filtering their sound through personal emotions.  

A few high fives in the hallways and specifically noting an on-air moment that brought a smile goes a long way. As does a continued relationship with talent who seek feedback, reinforcement, ideas, support, and insight on how they can continue to grow. Airchecks should be life-giving, but I’ve found that not everyone has that experience. It’s too bad, but not too late. If you encourage the voice of your station, your mission will be more encouraging. 

We can help. Watch as CHUCK, BETH and Gary discuss the Finney Media approach to Talent Coaching:

Want more? Catch our talent coaches at the following 2021 CMB MOMENTUM events*:

Date/Time What? Who?
Tuesday, June 1
8pm to 9pm
Women in Radio at Momentum 2021 Beth Bacall
Wednesday, June 2
10am to Noon
Programming & Music Workshop Beth Bacall
Thursday, June 3 Talent Coaching Breakout Sessions Beth Bacall, Gary Morland

*See the program for times/location.

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