What are You Going to Stop Doing – Part 2


“…there is a healthy kind of busyness where your life is full with things that matter, not wasted on empty leisure or trivial pursuits. By that definition Jesus himself was busy. The problem isn’t when you have a lot to do; it’s when you have too much to do and the only way to keep the quota up is to hurry…”

“Successful people say no to almost everything.”

Last month, I wrote about what you’re going to stop doing on the air (LINK HERE). This month, it’s personal. As in what are you going to stop doing in your life . . . to be closer to God . . . and therefore have a more effective ministry.

Paul said he was the worst.

No, that’s me. I have no room to talk on this subject of hurry and busyness. I am the worst. I’ve spent most of a lifetime busy and hurried.

But God has drawn me closer, and caused me to slow down, to be closer to Him. And it’s true that it often results in more effective ministry. And certainly more peace!

To do this meant choosing to stop doing something, or doing less of it. I had to take action, to say no.

For me, it’s online surfing of news, news commentary and sports. I’ve chosen to spend fewer precious minutes of my day consuming those. And turned off notifications of news and sports (did I really need to know the Reds score during the game?).

And it’s made a big difference. In my relationships. And my peace.

But it took choosing to stop doing something.

So, the question is…what are you going to stop doing?

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