Why Listener Research Data Matters in Christian Media


Chuck here.

A friend of mine a few years ago at a convention said this “I don’t think listeners want prayer on (Christian) radio.”

Me: “Have you ever asked them?”

Friend: “No . . . but I’m guessing from your question that you think we should.”

Me: “Thinking you might be surprised by their answer.”

We all might be surprised by a lot of answers from our listeners . . . if we just ask.

Like the listener who was annoyed by a music bed because it made the announcer “hard to hear.”

Or the woman who, with tears in her eyes, explained how “life-giving” her Christian station is. All of us listening to her in a focus group choked up and were motivated by her story.

We’re consistently surprised by the answers we hear from actual listeners. Their comments often defy conventional wisdom and have the power to help our media friends who desire to reach more hearts, more deeply.

Think about it this way: You can guess what songs your listeners know and want or how long your breaks should be, or which voices are the most appealing to your listeners. You can guess on dozens of other questions/decisions about your content.

Or you can ask. And serve your listener better than you ever have by knowing and acting on their answers.

This month, Finney Media releases the results of our fourth nationwide Finney Media Why Listen® Survey. Almost 15,000 Christian radio listeners with sometimes surprising answers.

I’ll be presenting findings at both the NRB Convention and CMB Momentum. Why they listen. Why they give. Why they leave. How habits have altered. And much more.

We’ll also be hosting two free webinars on the results on July 11th and September 12th. For more information about all the places and times to learn more about your listener, visit our EVENTS PAGE.

And if you’d like to have a conversation about how your organization might ask your listener, I’d love to meet and talk in Orlando at NRB Convention or at CMB Momentum. To arrange a meeting, email us at info@finneymedia.com.

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