Three Ways to Navigate the Post Election Climate


How to Navigate your Listener through the Post Election Uncertainty

Uncertainty. That’s what is swirling in the air.  As the campaign season and the final day of voting wrapped, we are left with…uncertainty.

So the headline that has jumped out at me today was this.

“Google searches for ‘Liquor Stores Near Me’ hit all time high.”

Some of those people searching were your listeners.

Worried. Looking for relief. And answers. And escape. And hope. And a friend.

And this is where your Christian radio station or program or podcast can make a difference.

Our recommendations?

First, stay out of the political fight. That’s not why your listener is coming to your Christian station or program. She’s coming to you to get away from that and to find Jesus.

Secondly, remind them that it’s normal to feel scared and uncertain. It’s a noisy, distracting time. Your transparency and empathy will go a long way toward making heart connection.

Thirdly, choose words of eternal hope. He is bigger than all of this. He is the better answer than the answers the world gives. Remind her of that. She needs to hear it.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear. Psalm 46:1-2a (NIV)

Encourage your listener to hold those words – or, other words like those – close.

She is coming to you for spiritual encouragement everyday … but especially at a time like this.

And, by the way, you might remind her that turning off the news, now that the election is over…is an option.

If we can help further in the midst of the noise, please CONTACT US.    

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