Our Role in Our World Right Now


finding your role and how to focus your listener on the eternal while living in the Chaos

What is our role right now as Christian radio? We are called to live in this world but not of this world.

For me, those words have taken on even more meaning with the events happening this month. How do we live in this chaotic, angry, divided storm while helping focus our listeners or viewers on the eternal?

The Lord keeps bringing one word to mind…peace.

God’s peace that surpasses all understanding. He wants us to help our listeners or viewers experience that peace. And, even more so in the midst of this storm.

A Real-life Example

It is said that Mother Teresa asked Calcutta city authorities for a building for the sick and dying, and they, knowing about her work, gave her a hostel, close to a temple devoted to a Hindu goddess of deaths. The building, where devotees often had stayed, had not been maintained and was a mess.

But, a delighted Mother Teresa and her team cleaned it up and named it “Place of the Immaculate Heart.” You likely know that they would tenderly care for the neediest of the sick and the dying. The more radical Hindus were not pleased that Christian nuns were working on the premises of a Hindu goddess. Violent protests followed.

A story relayed about Mother Teresa, who dealt with some major storms herself, comes to mind from the book Seven Women by Eric Metaxas*:

One day a Hindu leader gathered a mob of young people, armed with stones, to help him drive out Mother Teresa and her helpers. When she heard the hubbub outside, she came out the front door and courageously and calmly approached the mob. She soon learned who was leading this angry crowd and addressed him directly, inviting the Hindu leader to come inside and see for himself what the sisters were doing.

When he came out a short time later, the mob, still waiting for his instructions, asked him if they could begin what they had come to do – drive out the nuns by force.
“Yes, you can,” the man replied, “but only when your sisters and your mothers do what those Sisters are doing in there.”

In Summary

God is not surprised by our nation’s storm. It’s a question of how we’re going to show His peace in the midst of the storm. Let’s pray that He will show us in our daily tasks and our daily communication how best to radiate His peace that surpasses all understanding.

CONTACT US if we can help.

*SEVEN WOMEN, Eric Metaxas, pp. 176-177, © 2015, 201

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