Your Listener Needs a Hug
Your listener is in need of one simple but crucial thing. As a Christian radio ministry, are you providing it to her? We tell you what it is and how you can deliver it to your listener.
Your listener is in need of one simple but crucial thing. As a Christian radio ministry, are you providing it to her? We tell you what it is and how you can deliver it to your listener.
Chuck explains why now is the time to invest in online music testing. And why this year, especially, is the the time to invest in better understanding your listener preferences.
Where does your ministry or program fit in to today’s climate? We offer ways you can bring your listener through the chaos to refocus on what’s important, the eternal.
Earlier this year, when we mostly believed that the pandemic challenges would be over by summer, we released the following blog. It was a very popular read—one of our highest for 2020.
Guide your Christian radio listener through the post-election “noise”. Here are three radio programming recommendations.
Meditations from a Talent Coach on “The Noise” — And What to Do About It What should we be saying on air? Gary Morland, a
Advice to program directors who struggle with confidence or time in coaching air talent
Quieting your Listener’s Noisy World through Thoughtful Sound
People sometimes act like shouting over others provides communication impact. We beg to differ.
Our uncertain times cry out for God’s healing touch—through You.
Profiling the story of your listener among your team has always been a good idea. But, maybe no more important than right now. Allow me