We Need More Silence – Part 2


True story. Years ago, I was working as a program director in secular Contemporary Hit Radio in Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point, North Carolina. Burned out, stressed out, and not working in a happy situation. So I quit. And my wife Lynda and I sold our car and used the money to strap on backpacks for three months in Europe.  

I was done with radio. 

It was that summer that I heard, “Radio’s not going to change . . . but you can.” 

So . . . it turns out I wasn’t done with radio. Just done with never turning it off. I needed downtime to be rested and prepared for when I needed to be “on”. And, as a result, my effectiveness as a programmer and leader skyrocketed. 

It’s been a very imperfect journey of figuring out how to get it all done and still have crucial downtime.  

Fast forward to ten years ago. Studying MasterPlan from Steve Dulin at Gateway Church in DFW Masterplan Business Ministries (masterplanministries.org). It’s a study for business owners on not just dedicating your business to God, but giving your business to God. It was his section on sabbatical that got my attention. 

That has led to a once-a-year . . . and now twice-a-year multi-day time alone with God. To worship, pray, study His word, ask questions, write . . . and listen. I just finished my latest time away a few weeks ago. And I can’t imagine now doing life without that time … me asking God questions and hearing answers through His word. Answers that are bigger than I expected, often surprising, heart-focused, consistent with His word. And they likely wouldn’t happen if I didn’t take time to pause and be still. 

My message for you: We’re all in different seasons and have different abilities to get away. And our hurried, chaotic world crushes this idea . . . it still sorta feels at times like I’m not hitting the mark when I do it. But silence is essential. Jesus modeled it for us. We need more silence. Could I encourage you to think, or re-think about this as a priority? 

If you’re curious, I would love to tell you more about what a difference it’s made for my relationship with God and the people I love.  

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