Your Millennial Listeners: What Do They Want From You


(The Finney Media Why Listen® Survey has something to say)

Relationships are a lot like a riveting game of tennis. You say something, they say something, you say something again, and eventually you settle on plans to get appetizers and laugh a lot together. After a night out together, a positive relationship is further solidified. However, none of this can happen if the conversation never gets off the ground.

This plays out in Christian radio, too. In the 2021 Finney Media Why Listen® Survey, Millennials all the way through to the Baby Boomer generation, said that they find value in the relationship that they feel with the on-air hosts.  Wondering the specific ages of each generation? Here’s the breakout according to Pew.* The voice on the radio says something, the listener feels something, the voice on the radio says something else, and the listener feels something else. Successful radio brands go above and beyond in creating an impenetrable relationship between the audience and the station.

When it comes to Christian radio, 71 percent of surveyed Millennials indicated that the on-air hosts are like family members they want to connect with every day. Eighty percent shared that they feel like the speakers care when they pray on-air for someone in need.

Millennials care about a relationship with their on-air family.

Here’s the comparison charted by generation:

What does this mean to your station or program?

Relationship, caring, vulnerability all matter. And going into the future they matter! Not sure what to do to accomplish this in the day-to-day? We can help with that. Visit our CONTACT PAGE to get in touch.


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