Recommendations for Christian Radio Emerging from Lockdown


Here are three adjustments you should make  as Christian Radio Emerges

One of the amazing stories from the lockdown has been the brands that have benefited from this time.

An example, Campbell’s Soup. As recently as last year, slumping sales.  But now, a clear uptick, one of the coronavirus winners at the grocery store.*

If I’d told you four months ago that Campbell’s canned soups would be perceived as safer than using store bought vegetables to make soup, you’d have all been incredulous. But right now, hot soup is comfort food from a familiar, trusted brand packaged in a sealed can, which is perceived as safer.

We believe there is a lesson for Christian radio as we plan for our content coming out of the lockdown.

Similar to Campbell’s, the next few weeks are a time for us to be more:

  1. People can be seen gravitating to tried and true products, services and messages. Things they already know and love. And, we’re a format with a lot of “already know and love”.
    • Familiar themes. For example, “the Golden Rule” and “love your neighbor”.
    • Familiar songs. This means a little more Gold and a little less Current.
    • Scripture and devotional messages. “Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change” and “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.”
  2. As in “never cringeworthy”. Ensure your messages are words and songs the whole family can hear together. Remember, the kids and grandkids are still there and will be through the summer. All those nearby adults will zealously guard what the kids hear.
  3. Not like fluffy pillows, more like hugs. Your listener has been assaulted in her feeds with messages of fear and worry. Include the equivalent of verbal and music hugs. Warm stories over cold numbers, peace over panic, lighten up over freak out. Be real, be loving, be encouraging. Provide genuine comfort.

If you have questions on how we can help, please reach out. And, you won’t even need to wear a mask! CONTACT US.


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