Christian Radio: It’s the Only Good Thing


Picture this real moment with me: We’re at a Listener Advisory Panel with about seven listeners, seated around a table. They are giving us their perceptions of the Christian Music radio station. One of our respondents, I’ll call her Christi, shared she didn’t have good relationships with her family. Here’s part of our conversation: 

Me: Why listen to the Christian Music Station? 

Christi: It’s the only good thing. 

Me: Do you mean it’s the only good thing on the radio or the only good thing? 

Christi: It’s the only good thing. 

Me: What’s the other good thing? 

Christi: (after a long pause) . . . Chick-Fil-A!  

Followed by nods and laughter from the rest of our group. 

This fun, funny and bittersweet story illustrates just how much God has entrusted to our care as Christian communicators.  

This Christmas, I encourage you to pray on that, reflect on that.  

Christ coming to be with us is the answer. We have the opportunity to communicate His hope to people like Christi.  

What an adventure to discover new ways to do so for a hurting, harried, searching-for-that-one-good-thing listener in the coming year. 

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 NIV 

Have a Blessed Christmas!    

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