September 2024: Top Five Reasons They Listen by Gender and Age


The Finney Media Why Listen?® Survey surveyed almost 15,000 respondents from three different formats: Music stations, Music and Teaching stations and Teaching stations and programs. The findings are fascinating!

We presented listeners about twenty different reasons they might listen to their Christian radio station. This month, we show you the Top Five Main Reasons listeners listen, split into Women Under 55, Men Under 55, Women 55+ and Men 55+. The numbers are the percentage of respondents who indicated that’s a Main Reason they listen.

Women Under 55 Women 55+ Men Under 55 Men 55+
1. You like worshipful Christian music 93% 95% 90% 90%
2. It helps you worship God throughout the day 93% 93% 87% 83%
3. You want to be encouraged 85% 85% 76% 71%
4. It helps you grow spiritually 77% 78% 71% 70%
5. It’s safe for you and your family to listen to 76% 63% 71% 57%

We’ve highlighted in bold the Main Reasons above 80 percent. If you were to try to isolate the most motivating reasons for listening among these superfans, it would come down to worshipful encouragement. This is food for thought as you and your team discuss just how spiritually focused and encouraging your music selection and the breaks you’re doing between songs should be.

Coming next month from the Why Listen? Survey: The Top Five Reasons Listeners Tune Out or Leave.

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