January 2021: Top Five Favorite Christian Books (2020 Edition)


The conversation with Christian radio listeners about their preferences is one of importance. We learn so much by asking!  Late in 2020 we asked, “Other than the Bible, what is the best Christian book you’ve ever read?” Here are the Top Five Favorite Books among CCM Listeners:

1. The Purpose Driven Life (2002)  Rick Warren (AMAZON)
2. Left Behind Series (1995) Tim LaHaye
2. Redeeming Love (2005) Francine Rivers
2. The Case for Christ (1998) Lee Strobel
2. The Shack (2007)  William P. Young

Our no. 1, The Purpose Driven Lifewas a runaway winner with twice the number of votes over our no. 2 books.  And, yes, you’re seeing correctly. There were four titles that were tied for second place. Is it something about this lockdown year that has made Rick Warren’s classic even bigger than before? 

Consider the variety among the books tied at no. 2. Three works of fiction but each with very different and powerful themes. And, in the middle, Lee Strobel’s amazing work of investigative journalism that led him to faith. 

In case you’re curious, here are the books that just missed the Top Five list, all worthy titles that scored well, just not quite well enough to make the top titles:.  

  • Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul by Jack Canfield 
  • The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman 
  • Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul by John Eldredge, Stasi Eldredge 
  • Crazy Love Francis Chan by Danae Yankoski 
  • Heaven Iifor Real by Lynn Vincent 
  • Knowing God by J.I. Packer 
  • The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian 

 Want more? Take a look back at how listeners ranked their FAVORITE BOOKS last year.



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