August 2022: Top Five Reasons CCM Listeners Listen


…plus the next five.

The 2021 Finney Media Why Listen?® Survey includes almost 11,000 respondents from three different formats: Music stations, Music and Teaching stations and Teaching stations and programs. The findings are fascinating!  

We presented listeners about 20 different reasons they might listen to their Christian radio station. Here are the Top Five Main Reasons for Music Station respondents . . . plus the next five. The numbers are the percentage of respondents who indicated that’s a Main Reason they listen: 

1. I like the worshipful Christian music. 92%
2. It helps me worship God throughout the day. 91%
3. I want to be encouraged. 83%
4. It helps me grow spiritually. 78%
5. I want to get away from negativity on other stations. 67%
6. It’s safe for me and my family to listen to. 65%
7. The presentation is calming. 55%
8. I want to help spread Truth. 53%
9. I feel the speakers care when they pray on-air for someone in need. 45%
10. The hosts sometimes add light-hearted humor that’s family-friendly. 44%

The no.1 and no.2 reasons are roughly equal, and really a powerful reason for us to consider the spiritual temperature of our stations. It appears that our biggest fans – the folks who took the 20 minutes or so to complete the survey – continue to want an overtly spiritual focus to our stations.  

Intentionally focus your vision onto the first four reasons. Those are the ones over 75% indicating it’s a main reason they listen. You could boil those four reasons down to two words: Spiritual Encouragement. It leads us to our Action Point for CCM Stations: Talk just enough, with Spiritual Encouragement, about something interesting to your listener …and then play a song she loves. 

Coming in September: From the 2021 Why Listen?®  Survey, The Top Five Listener Tuneouts. 

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