Every year, Finney Media Research tests library songs from CCM artists with listeners across the United States. Listeners decide this ranking from research we’ve gathered across North America.
We thought it would be fun to see the Top Five Male Artists from our research recently. If you’re playing them, terrific! If you’re not, perhaps it’s time for a discussion about playing them.
Top Five Male CCM Artists
- Chris Tomlin
- Jeremy Camp
- Phil Wickham
- Zach Williams
- Micah Tyler
We continue to see strong listener scores on worship songs, with Chris Tomlin still no. 1 by a wide margin, and Phil Wickham is now up to no. 3. To make this list, you must have lots of high-testing songs spanning quite a few years. From Indescribable (which still tests terrific!) to Holy Forever, that’s why you see Chris Tomlin still at no. 1.
See our ranking of the Top Five Female CCM Artists from last month.
Coming in April: The Top Five Groups in nationwide CCM Music Research during the past few months. Be sure you’re playing these artists and grow your listenership.