April 2023: Top Five CCM Groups


Every year, Finney Media Research tests library songs from CCM artists with listeners across the United States. Listeners decide this ranking, from research we’ve gathered across the country.

In February, we showed you the TOP FIVE FEMALE ARTISTS. In March, the TOP FIVE MALE ARTISTS. Now, we reveal the Top Five CCM Groups from our recent research. If you’re playing them, terrific! If you’re not, perhaps it’s time for a discussion about playing them:

Top Five CCM Groups

1. MercyMe
2. Casting Crowns
3. Third Day
4. Big Daddy Weave
5. Elevation Worship

With over 20 years of chart success, and songs from both of the last two decades testing well, MercyMe tops our list. Casting Crowns is a close second and, like MercyMe, have continued to have songs from recently and from more than 10 years ago continue to test well. Third Day continues to score well with CCM listeners therefore it’s likely not time to retire their songs from your library. Big Daddy Weave, with their long history and lots of great testing songs, pulls in at no.4. Worship songs and artists continue to test strongly, and you see that with our now no.5 group Elevation Worship.

Coming in April: We bring it all together and look at The Top Five Artists – Male, Female and Groups – all in one ranker.

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