April 2020: The Top Five Things To Be Saying To Your Listener Right Now


There are few times in the past 100 years where everyone – 100 percent of people in our nation – are thinking about, and had their daily lives changed by, the same thing at the same time. And, for that reason, your “between the songs” content needs to reflect that “my work has changed, my childcare has changed, my church has changed” topic. It’s the only thing most people are thinking about. We recommend you focus on where the heads and hearts of your listener are, in ways that only Christian radio can do.

With help from our friend, Dwight Bain, a nationally board-certified counselor in Orlando specializing in helping people in crisis, here are the Top Five Things to be saying to your listener right now:

  1. Pray. For calm. This time is scary. We are loved by a God of peace, joy and hope. Pray that He gives you a sense of calm in this time. And, an ability to be a calming influence to those around you. For a heart of compassion for others. Pray for the people who are sick and their families. For overwhelmed healthcare professionals and their families. For wisdom for our leaders and their families. For your eyes to be opened to ways to serve.
  2. Choose how you use this time wisely. Most everyone has to “stay put”. You have choices as to how you use this time. More prayer or less. More quiet or less. More Bible reading or less. More screen time or less. More meals together with family. More board games. Who could you FaceTime with – maybe on a schedule? Dads and Moms – if everything is too busy normally, this is a time you can choose to lead spiritually in ways you didn’t have time for before.
  3. Worry less. The world is telling us right now to worry more. Jesus tells us not to worry. You have a choice as to what to do with your worry. Pray that He will help you with and take away your anxiety. Read and pray Philippians 4.
  4. Be a peacemaker/be more sensitive to others. All of this togetherness, combined with uncertainty, will lead quickly to short tempers. Choose to be more of a peacemaker now. Listen better. And, be sensitive to those for whom a significant life event will now not happen – prom, sports championship, birthday party, commencement, presentation.
  5. Tell a friend. The world is right now spending less time yelling at each other. And, people have lots of questions and worries. If there was ever a time you could have an opening to tell someone about the peace, joy and hope of God, it’s now. Pray that He gives you the right words at the right time.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

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