How to Achieve Creative Heart Connection


…anD pick the best version

In LAST MONTH’S BLOG, we considered crafting your audio content to be better edited for an audience who will leave if you don’t get to the point quickly.

This month, let’s look at the same topic from a different angle. How should we craft our audio so listeners turn it up and not off? So our short-attention-span-theater listener is glued to your sound?

Here’s a thought. Give yourself some choices by editing the same creative content multiple ways.

Often, when we produce a piece of audio, we have only one version of the audio. But we have the technology now to more easily do different edits. Different reads, different beginnings or endings, different voices.

I know. You have limited staff and time. I’m not suggesting that this can be done for every piece of audio. But when you do focus on something, especially creative, give yourself options.

And then choose the version or versions that best fit your purposes. Giving yourself these choices will help hone your material to its best edit. To find the one most likely to bust through the busyness and chaos of her noisy life and actually be heard.

Or you may discover that using several versions really keeps your listener on their toes!

To help illustrate this, we had an image idea using Nicole C. Mullen’s version of Because He Lives and combining it with Scripture. Knowing that high anxiety seems to be the state of the world right now, perhaps an image with music and words about less fear might help.

Take a minute and listen to the different versions our production folks developed:





How to Use this Sound for Creative Heart Connection

Just guessing but you likely preferred some versions more than others. You might have even heard edits you would have made for even stronger impact.

And that’s the point.

We need to hone our production – particularly the pieces that could have biggest emotional impact – to the strongest version(s). In our crowded media environment, it’s one more step toward not being Charlie Brown’s teacher!

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