Change of Season; Be Still My Heart


Your Listener, Fall Plans and You 

It’s back to school time. Back to fall routine time. But like last fall, this fall is turning out to be anything but routine.  

Masks. Or not.  

In the office. Or not.  

Business trips and conventions. Or not. 

Time with friends and family. Or not. 

Holiday plans. Or not.  

And what are your listeners saying? Here are actual comments from impacted friends and family: 

I just hit a wall. I have to take a day off right now.” 

“My house looks like a co-working space more than a home!” 

“My brain has too many tabs open.” 

“I don’t know about you, but I have thought about running away from home way more often as an adult than I ever did as a kid.” 

“I need some peace.” 

For us in Christian media, with a mission to provide the hope found in Jesus, this is a time to “meet the moment”.  We are bringers of Jesus’ presence, God’s peace and His hope.  We bring a chance to worship if only for a moment. That’s our big story, and it’s a story that matches the need.  

Ways to Reach Your Listener during this Change of Season

So, what are some specific ways to be the bringer of hope? Bringer of peace?  Here’s some ideas to ponder, then consider what fits your specific format or situation, and start doing more of it: 

  1. Include Scripture that promises rest, peace and God’s presence.  On-air Scripture like this can be soul-care for your listener. 
  2. With short snippets reminding us of Christ’s presence and peace, roll directly into the right song.  Give her a short worship moment. 
  3. Review your ongoing produced short form from outside producers to confirm it is a positive and uplifting compliment to your sound.  Leave her with a feeling of encouragement and joy. Dozens of features are available, so you can afford to be selective. If you are the producer of these features—this is for you, too. 
  4. Keep the tone caring and encouraging. There’s lots of noise going on in houses that are having to enforce school rules and get Zoom calls done from home, and you want to be an antidote. You may be the background except for those short “listen closely” moments. 
  5. Include prayer, genuine prayer, as the need arises.  

It’s such a rich opportunity for ministry right now.  Let us know if you need to talk more about any of these recommended adjustments. Visit our CONTACT PAGE for details on how to reach us.

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