What are the top morning show topics to keep your listener tuned in? All year we survey Christian music radio listeners across the United States to discover where their heads and hearts are in relation to what we put on the radio. Questions we ask, aren’t just about songs but what happens between the songs. It’s enlightening what we learn! One area we ask about is topics you might hear on morning shows and how interested a listener might be in those topics.
Last month we revealed Five of the Lowest Ranking Topics. Now this month, here’s the Top Five Morning Show topics. Focus less on the Lower Five, focus more on the Top Five and you and your listener will have a happier 2021!
The Top Five Morning Show Topics (rated on a 1-5 scale):
1. | A Word from Scripture and how it might apply to your life today | 4.6 |
2. | A word of encouragement from a Biblical devotional | 4.5 |
3. | A story from a listener about how God has done a miracle in her life | 4.4 |
4. | Three ways to improve your marriage or relationships today | 4.3 |
5. | Information on a Christian concert in your area | 4.1 |
Free, fun activities to do with your family around town this weekend | 4.1 | |
A prayer of thanksgiving from a local pastor | 4.1 | |
Story about a neighbor helping save a neighbor during a natural disaster | 4.1 |
Not only is the No. 1 answer the No. 1 answer this year. It’s the No. 1 answer every year.
Your Christian music radio listener would like for you to include Scripture and how it might apply to her life. She’s asking you to tell her the Truth. You just need to figure out how to bring it in a way that meets her where she is today. She’s busy, distracted, possibly hurting, and hoping you’ll include words of encouragement.
In fact, the Top Four are all variations on the theme of spiritual encouragement/spiritual growth.
If you pair this with the rejection of politics/sports/pop culture in last month’s survey (link), it’s pretty clear that we have the opportunity to touch more hearts more deeply by leaning our stations more in a spiritual encouragement direction.
And never an opportunity time like now.