We asked Contemporary Christian Music Radio listeners in multiple markets across the US during the past year about the best Christian-themed movies they have ever seen. Here are the Top 5 they indicated.
- Fireproof
- Courageous
- God’s Not Dead
- War Room
- Passion Of The Christ
We asked this as an open-ended question, providing no list of movies from which to select. Many of our respondents listed numerous movies off the top of their head, and included enthusiastic comments. At least among these Christian radio listeners, there is a lot of awareness and passion for these movies!
So what’s next? What are ways to take this information and run with it in your market, morning show, program or network? Here’s some idea generators to get you and your team started.
- Each movie that is the “best” had clear themes that resonated. Why not use the theme in your conversation on-air? While bringing up the movie as a release seems like old news, the themes are as fresh as today.
- Take this as a reminder that movies rock in the “good ‘ole summertime”. If you air a movie-review, you might mention in your introduction or trailing remarks what movies might make good DVD fodder for a hot summer night. Maybe you’ll just have watched one…over lunch as a team.
- And that is idea number three. As you work to build both team and audience relationship and understanding, why not show the movie over the lunch hour on two successive days? You can discuss it. Ask why it resonated so well, and brainstorm additional ways to use this inside knowledge that you have added to your tool box.
So what did you do? Tell us what you did and how it worked out in your part of the world. You can post here….