Today, a coming together of three pieces of research plus one big takeaway:
Research Finding #1 – From our Why Listen Survey: “A Word from Scripture and how it applies to your life today.” Ninety-one percent (91%) of Teaching station/program respondents and 88% of Hybrid station respondents indicate “very interested.” Easily the no. 1 topic among the many topics we tested.
Research Finding #2 – From Listener Advisory Panels (picture Focus Groups done with P1’s): An overwhelming desire for and awareness of Scripture on air. Our listeners don’t just want you to talk about Scripture. They want the actual words of Scripture on air.
Research Finding #3 – From both the Why Listen Survey and Listener Advisory Panels: Your listener’s tolerance for length is low. If you want them to stay (and come back), you must get to the point. If you’re meandering to the point (a lot of Christian radio does), she will leave. To grow audience, you must edit well.
One Big Takeaway: Scripture plus Concise is genius. This is true for All-music stations, Hybrid stations and Teaching stations. If you include Scripture . . . and get to the point quickly, your listener will more likely stay and come back . . . and tell a friend!