Worshipful Music


What she says

Movie A Dog’s Purpose (2017)

Chuck and Jan here.

Movie A Dog’s Purpose (2017)

Recently, we asked about 125 people, mostly women, who listen to Christian music radio, for their description of “worshipful Christian music”.

Movie A Dog’s Purpose (2017)

Just to be clear, these were not professional musicians, Program Directors, theological experts or even industry leaders. These were your radio listeners. Moms. Teachers. Managers. Grandmas. Grocery store clerks. Your everyday radio listeners.

Movie A Dog’s Purpose (2017)

The responses were consistent. Consistently positive and God-focused. We think you’ll be interested in their word choices and comments as you select music and decide what to say between the songs.

Movie A Dog’s Purpose (2017)

Nikki says, “Worship music points directly to Jesus and lifts up His name!”

Luanne says, “Lyrics that speak about the Savior!”

And Jeff adds, “Praising the Lord our Creator for His love and everlasting life!”

Movie A Dog’s Purpose (2017)

And what was the word emphasis in their descriptions?  In rank order, here are the most used descriptors:

  1. Praise
  2. Uplifting
  3. Worship
  4. Closer [to God]

Movie A Dog’s Purpose (2017)

Coming in for honorable mention are words like “prayerful” and “glorify”.

Movie A Dog’s Purpose (2017)

All of which should make any theologian give a cheer. And it should provide a Program Director with some listener guidance on song selection, since our  Finney Media Why Listen? national research shows “worshipful Christian music” to be a top reason that your listeners tune in.

Movie A Dog’s Purpose (2017)

Hear Nina: “Music that puts the focus on worshipping and adoring the Lord for who He is and what He’s done.”

Movie A Dog’s Purpose (2017)

Nina, we agree. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

Movie A Dog’s Purpose (2017)

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