Six Word Memoirs


Christian Radio Pictures to Make You Smile

Jan here.

Six-word stories.


These are attributed to Hemingway.

That may be a fable in itself, as it appears they have been around for a long time, with tales relating many of them from before he was in writing form. However, the memoir stream on the six-word story developed just a little while back. According to Wikipedia, the beginnings came from the online magazine Smith Magazine, whose goals relate to storytelling. From the magazine, they moved to Twitter and even a book series. Clearly it has become a popular way to focus on both creativity and deep thought about an important matter—life direction, events and meaning.

And that is what Chuck has compiled here, from sixwordmemoirs websites. Ten word pictures that could be your station or ministry story. An example of what you and your team can locate online or develop yourself to use on air! Six-word stories that cut to the core…or the quick. Pause. Read. Consider. Then take the idea and run with it. Click here to read our next blog

Chuck’s Picks

  1. The silences often utter profound truths.
  2. Seeps into souls like rain drops.
  3. Clouds all fluffed up to party.
  4. Main problem with morning…too early.
  5. Sewing…therapy with a foot pedal.
  6. They said: It’s impossible. It wasn’t.
  7. Broken pieces make up beautiful mosaics.
  8. I lived to tell about it.
  9. Love is more important than anything.
  10. My idea of perfection has changed.


Blog Info

Action: Six-word memoirs tell profound truths in an arresting manner.

  1. What might your ministry or station’s be if you wrote it?
  2. Could you create a meme from your six-word memoir?
  3. Where could you use one of these or what you wrote in your programming?
  4. This is an opportunity for a team activity, an active devo using the ones Chuck wrote or a listener engagement possibility.
  5. And what about including these in your prayer life? They bring to mind important, profound truths, something that a morning or evening meditation can use.



We’d love to hear about your six-word memoir or what you wrote. Share by e-mail or post it here.

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