NRB Finney Media Why Listen? Teaching Headlines


Here are the headlines from the Finney Media Why Listen?™ presentation at the NRB Radio Summit.





  1.  From many denominations; they worship with varying ways and words.

  2. Seeks spiritual growth; but struggles with walking the walk.
  3. Aches for encouragement, peace and calm; all feelings, not only words.

  4. Thinks controversial topics are crucial; just not when she’s listening.
  5. Prefers concise, connective Christian wisdom plus worshipful music.

  6. Favors you passionately; but leaves when you’re a yawn.
  7. Loves your ministry and gives when you courageously share God’s Word.

  8. Wants you to be like Jesus; in tone, music, Scripture.


In addition, Shaunti Feldhahn (author of The Kindness Challenge) referenced the Finney Media Why Listen?™ survey in her NRB presentation. You can view her Powerpoint presentation Here.

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