February 2018: The Bottom Five Morning Show Topics


The Bottom 5 Morning Show Topics

We asked Contemporary Christian Music Radio listeners in multiple markets across the North America during the past few months about different Morning Show topics and how interested they are in hearing them on the radio, with 1 = not interested and 9 = very interested. The numbers below are averages of all responses in multiple markets.

Here are their Bottom 5 answers, ranked from worst to less worse.

1. The latest on President Trump’s tweet’s  2.7
2. The latest Hollywood news 3.2
3. Update on the local NFL team  3.3
4. Tips on ways to better communicate with your children 6.6
5. Three ways to improve your marriage or relationships today 6.9

Notice the three lowest scoring topics are below an average of 4. This is indicative of what we see pretty much every time we ask Christian radio listeners.


They are mostly not interested in:

1) Sports.
2) Hollywood/Pop Culture.
3) Politics


To grow your listener impact, better to stay away from these.

The topics at #4 – communicating with your kids, and at #5 – ways to improve your marriage and relationships – are interesting. When we dive into comments from listeners about these two questions, here’s what we see:

For “Tips on ways to better communicate with your children”: if the respondent has kids, communicating with her kids is usually interesting to her. It’s the people who don’t have kids or who don’t have a good relationship with their kids who go negative . . . way negative. And that’s enough of the Christian radio listening audience to make this not a unanimously interesting topic.

We see similar issues with “ways to improve your marriage or relationships”. We see comments from people who are never married . . . or who had a bad marriage experience, that this topic can be painful and a possible turnoff.

Both of these topics, though, are closer to the cluster of topics that are the highest rated. Nothing like the low interest we see on sports, pop culture and politics.


Interested in the top-rated topics with Christian radio listeners? That’s our Finney’s Fast Five for March! Stay tuned.



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